Ranking the 5 Best Songs on Bob Dylan’s Comeback Masterpiece ‘Time Out of Mind’

"Can't Wait" A groovy Beck-inspired track with a loop-based structure, reflecting Dylan's desire for a modern sound blended with Delta blues elements.

"Standing in the Doorway":  Dylan's introspective ballad about lost love, featuring disciplined instrumentation amidst his spontaneous arrangement changes.

"Love Sick" Opening with despair, Dylan's weary voice explores the theme of unrequited love against a backdrop of urgency and melancholy.

"Make You Feel My Love":  A tender ballad amid melancholy, Dylan's original rendition shines despite numerous cover versions, offering solace in troubled times.

"Not Dark Yet" A haunting reflection on mortality, Dylan's narrative delves into existential cynicism, underscored by misty organ melodies and stark truths.