The Story and Meaning Behind Nirvana’s Infamous Smiley Face Logo

The Birth of the Icon: Discover the origins of Nirvana's iconic squiggly-faced smiley logo, from Sub Pop to alleged inspiration from a strip club.

Mystery Behind the Design: Explore conflicting theories, including whether Kurt Cobain, Lisa Orth, or others were behind the design's creation in 1991.

Legal Battles Unveiled: Uncover the legal controversy surrounding the logo, from Marc Jacobs' alleged infringement to a claim by former Geffen Records art director Robert Fisher.

Copyright Confusion: Delve into the copyright complexities, with Fisher's claim challenging the long-held belief that the design belonged to Cobain's estate.

Uncertain Legacy: Reflect on the enduring mystery of Nirvana's logo, questioning who truly holds its artistic legacy amid legal complexities.