6 Best Blues Amps of 2024

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Fender Blues Deluxe: Capture the iconic heritage of Fender guitar amps, with a blues-flavored twist, and all the tastiest blues guitar amp trappings.

Best for Professionals

Supro Delta King 12: A true blues-looking and sounding tube combo amp – simple but effective, this stylish blues amp has all the swag you need for blues playing.

Best for Old-School Blues

Mesa/Boogie California Tweed 6V6 4:40: An absolutely gorgeous and authentic blues tube combo amp with a pristine tone, vintage valves, and modern features.

Best Blues for Big Budgets

Roland Blues Cube Hot: The clue is in the name - this is an amp dedicated to blues. It uses modern tech to achieve a vintage sound, with more stability.

Vintage Meets Modern

Vox AC15C1: This is a widely loved amp for blues, rock, and country musicians looking for a clean and pure guitar tone, which can dial in a bit of bite when needed!

Best for Blues-Rock Guitar

Fender Champion 100: The Fender Champion 100 is an American-voiced Fender amp that is perfect for large stages, and blues rock guitar players.

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