4 Songs You Didn’t Know Kiss’ Paul Stanley Wrote for Other Artists

"It’s My Life" (1984) - Wendy O. Williams:  Stanley and Simmons co-wrote this energetic anthem for Wendy O. Williams, showcasing her wild stunts and rebellious spirit.

"Love on a Rooftop" (1987) - Ronnie Spector:  Stanley collaborated with Desmond Child and Diane Warren to craft this love ballad, later covered by Cher.

"Hide Your Heart" (1988) - Bonnie Tyler:  Originally for Kiss, this rock ballad, co-written by Stanley, Desmond Child, and Holly Knight, became the title track of Tyler's album.

"Bloodtype R" (2006) - Bad Candy:  Stanley ventured into pop-fuzzed territory with this song for Dutch band Bad Candy, blending rebellion and catchy beats.