A Q&A With the Spring Breakup Lyric Contest Promotion Winner, Debby Dever

A Prayer in Heaven or a Chance in Hell
Written by Debby Dever
Interview by American Songwriter

Debby Dever is the American Songwriter Spring Breakup Lyric Contest Promotion winner with her song “A Prayer in Heaven or a Chance in Hell.” American Songwriter caught up with her to get the story behind the lyrics.

How long have you been songwriting? 

I wrote my first song when a friend introduced me to NSAI. I started going to meetings in Medina, Ohio around 2002. So…around 22 years! Currently a member of NSAI Cleveland/Akron chapter, with a bunch of really amazing songwriters.

Why did you enter American Songwriter’s Spring Breakup Promotion?

When I saw the promotion, I thought this song just fit. Plus, it was a “lyrics only” contest…I don’t sing (except alone in the car!) or play an instrument. I just write lyrics, usually with a melody in my head.

What was the inspiration behind your song, “A Prayer in Heaven or a Chance in Hell”? 

I was listening to George Strait’s song “Baby’s Gotten Good at Goodbye,” and I wondered: if Chris Stapleton were to do a song like that, I wonder how he’d do it? And I came up with this, with a more fast-paced, rocking melody in mind. The song’s about that at some point, someone’s had enough — they’re gone, and there’s no turning back. Doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, necessarily. I think it’s good that a song can be related to in more than one way.

Who are your all-time favorite songwriters and why? 

Oh wow. So many. I really love the 70s singer-songwriters — John Denver, Jim Croce, Elton John, James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Don Henley & The Eagles, Gordon Lightfoot (I made my husband drive me to Pennsylvania to listen to him). Sherrié Austin has inspired me; Chris Stapleton is a current favorite. Michael Card, my favorite in Christian genre. All around, I’d have to say Loretta Lynn. I love her honesty. I love her attitude, when she wrote songs like “Fist City” and “You Ain’t Woman Enough.” She once said, “You don’t write about fantasies, you write about life, and true life…Either I’ve seen it, or I’ve lived it.” I like that.

Are you planning to release any new music this year? 

Well…I sure would like to! I’m 61 — one year away from retirement — hoping to have more time soon to invest in songwriting, working with cowriters, and getting the creativity stirred up.

What would you tell other artists who are considering entering the contest?

Just do it. You’re never too young or too old. You’re as good as anybody else, if you’re writing from your heart and working on your craft.


Read the winning lyrics to “A Prayer in Heaven or a Chance in Hell” below: 

© 2024 Debby Dever

Verse 1

She packed up her suitcase and she never said a word

Screen door slammin’ tires screechin’ last things that I heard

I guess that I could chase her through the dust she left behind

But Lord knows yeah and I know that would be a waste of time

Chorus 1

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell

This time she ain’t comin’ back

Yeah I know her too well

When she’s made up her mind like that

There’s nothin’ left to tell

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell

Verse 2

I know I made promises, she knew I’d never keep

I guess it’s true that what you sow someday you’re gonna reap

She’s no angel either but she knows how far I fell

Now there’s the devil to pay cause she ain’t buyin’ what I’ve got to sell

Chorus 2

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell

This time she ain’t comin’ back

Yeah I know her too well

When she’s made up her mind like that

There’s nothin’ left to tell

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell


Now I know God’s forgivin’ and I’m prayin’ that He will

But as for her, well I’d be dead if looks could kill

Chorus 3

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell

This time she ain’t comin’ back

Yeah I know her too well

When she’s made up her mind like that

There’s nothin’ left to tell

There ain’t a prayer in heaven

Or a chance in hell

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