Daily Discovery: Emma Joy, “Tell Me”

DailyDiscoveryEmmaJoyDaily Discovery is presented by The Pub DealWin a $20,000 Publishing Contract from Secret Road Music Publishing, deadline May 31st 2014.

Videos by American Songwriter

ARTIST: Emma Joy

SONG: Tell Me

BIRTHDATE: March 28th

HOMETOWN: Manhattan

CURRENT LOCATION: Manhattan (Except when I’m a student at Hamilton College)

AMBITIONS: I want to be Janelle Monáe when I grow up

TURN-OFFS: Fake Smiles

TURN-ONS: Beautiful Eyes

DREAM GIG: Beacon Theater (it is only a few blocks from my apartment!)

FAVORITE LYRIC: “Be kind to me or treat me mean. I’ll make the most of it, I’m an extraordinary machine.” -Fiona Apple

CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: My dad cries every time he hears one of my songs…he’s either my #1 fan or he’s just crazy. You decide.

SONG I WISH I WROTE: Gonna Get Over You by Sara Bareilles

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Nelson Mandela, Janelle Monáe, and Ellen DeGeneres

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: I was in the front row at a Walk The Moon concert and it was awesome.

I WROTE THIS SONG: I wrote this song at a time in my life when people were encouraging me to pursue songwriting. This prospect scared me quite a bit because this is an insanely difficult industry to make a career out of. In the song, I am basically asking an elder for advice since I am fearful of the future. I dedicate this song to my grandma because she is the person I think of as I sing it. She died in 2013, so Tell Me is close to my heart.


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