Daily Discovery: The North Country, “The Cross We Bear”

the north country

Videos by American Songwriter

Compelling songwriting and tasteful musicianship are the pillars on which The North Country stands. This DC based Indie Rock band has their new album coming out on April 20, 2015.

ARTIST: The North Country

SONG: The Cross We Bear

BIRTHDATE: January 5th

HOMETOWN: Washington, DC

CURRENT LOCATION: The Bathtub Republic in Washington DC

AMBITIONS: Write great songs. Make great records. Play great shows.

TURN-OFFS: People who are conventional purely out of laziness

TURN-ONS: An interesting debate

DREAM GIG: Bonnaroo

FAVORITE LYRIC: “I know a father who had a son / He longed to tell him all the reasons for things he’d done / he came a long way just to explain / kissed his boy as he lay sleeping then he turned around and headed home again” Slip Sliding Away by Paul Simon. This verse is four lines long. In four lines Paul Simon told a story. That’s songwriting.

CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: I am fortunate enough to be close friends with some of the finest wackos, kooks, eccentrics and social deviants DC has to offer. To pick only one would be a tremendous disservice to the collective insanity of all of them.

SONG I WISH I WROTE: The Sprawl by Sonic Youth. They hit the nail on the head with that song and really captured a palpable feeling.

5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Brian Eno, Carl Sagan, Barack Obama, Woody Allen, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of The USS Enterprise

MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Radiohead at Bonnaroo 2012 and Paul Simon at 9:30 club

I WROTE THIS SONG: …about being 25 and struggling to figure out who you were.