Cody Johnson Recalls a Time When His Song “Human” Saved a Life: “I Stood There With Her and I Cried”

Many artists release music with the goal of touching listeners’ lives. Receiving critical acclaim and awards or launching singles to the top of the charts is secondary to making those special connections. Texas native Cody Johnson is one of those artists. Recently, he revealed that his song “Human” received the highest praise possible from an Australian fan.

Videos by American Songwriter

Last week, Johnson sat down with Audacy’s Scotty Kay from US99. During the interview, he discussed missing Windy City Smokeout last year and his excitement to play the Chicago-based festival this year. He also revealed that one of his songs saved a fan’s life.

Cody Johnson on Learning that “Human” Saved a Woman’s Life

During the interview, Cody Johnson shared why he makes music. “It’s not about getting No. 1 hits, it’s not about getting Platinum records, it’s not about winning awards. It’s about making music that actually touches people,” he explained, adding, “And I say that from my whole heart. This is not an act.”

Then, he told a story about his song saving a life. “I had a lady in Australia, came to a meet and greet and she said the night that I was going to—I don’t if I should say this but—the night that I was going take my own life, I heard ‘Human’ and I decided not to,” he recalled. “I stood there with her and I cried. And I thought, ‘You know what? Who cares about a No. 1 or a Platinum record?’ That’s real. That’s real music that went across the ocean and touched someone,” he said.

Johnson on His Live Shows

Cody Johnson doesn’t just want to make music that touches people. He also wants to put on a live show that fans will remember. He also wants to give them their money’s worth. “My favorite athlete growing up was Michael Jordan and he said ‘Play every game like it’s your last game.’ I play every show like it’s my last show,’ he said. “Every time I get a microphone, every time I get a guitar, this is how I want to be remembered. It’s that important. This ain’t just a paycheck. This ain’t me just up there blowing through the motions or whatever. I don’t mail it in,” he added.

When asked to describe his live shows, Johnson summed them up in a single word. “Electric.”

Featured image by Omar Vega/WireImage

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