Coldplay Reveals They Reduced Carbon Footprint by More Than 50% During Current Tour

While embarking on their Music of the Spheres World Tour, Coldplay has announced that they have been reducing their carbon footprint by over 50 percent. The Music of the Spheres World Tour began on March 18, 2022, and continues until November 22, 2023.

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Coldplay claims that during their current tour, they have released 47% fewer CO2e emissions than on their 2016/2017 Head Full of Dreams Tour. The band also stated that they planted five million trees since the tour initially started, one for every ticket sold, which has been seven million so far.

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“When we first announced the Music Of The Spheres Tour, we hoped to make it as environmentally beneficial as possible and reduce our direct carbon emissions (from show production, freight, band, and crew travel) by 50%,” Coldplay shared in a statement.

The statement continued, “Now that we’re into the second year of the tour, we’ve started to run the entire show (audio, lights, lasers, etc.) from an electric battery system that allows us to use 100% renewable energy as efficiently as possible. We have been using electric vehicles and alternative fuels wherever we can, as well as reducing waste and plastic usage to a minimum.”

The band called their ecological accomplishments “something that our incredible crew should be very proud of,” before adding, “And just by coming you have had a tree planted, and helped a range of environmental organizations like The Ocean Cleanup and ClientEarth (a team of lawyers who defend the environment). Thank you all and hopefully this time next year we will have made big improvements.”

MIT professor and environmental activist  John E. Fernandez released his own statement which spoke highly of Coldplay’s efforts, reading, “Based on a detailed review of the work of Coldplay’s sustainability team in assessing and advising the band and management on the CO2e impact of touring, we fully endorse this effort as critically important, scientifically rigorous and of the highest quality….The band deserves significant praise in commissioning the work and acting as the vanguard for the global music industry as it begins to take seriously the reality of living and making music in the Anthropocene.” 

Photo by Shirlaine Forrest/WireImage

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