Queens of the Stone Age Reveal Plans to Take a Break After The End Is Nero Tour

It has been a busy year for Queens of the Stone Age. They kicked off their The End Is Nero 2024 Tour in December and have been on the road since then. Most recently, they headlined the Download Festival in Leicestershire, United Kingdom. With several more tour dates and the re-release of their 1998 self-titled album on the horizon, the band is looking to step on the brakes and take some time off.

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Recently, Queens of the Stone Age members Troy Van Leeuwen (guitar) and Jon Theodore (drums) spoke to NME about what they have planned for the future. Both have their eyes on some time away from the road.

Queens of the Stone Age to Take a Break

When asked about what Queens of the Stone Age had planned for the future, Van Leeuwen said, “Sleep! I think we’re going to take a little break.” However, it won’t be an overly long break. The band will already have plans for 2025. “I know we have some plans for next year that are loosely being talked about,” Van Leeuwen revealed. He’s not looking too far ahead, though.

“There is always music that we can get back to, but we’re also in the middle of this really long summer tour, and that’s what we want to make sure that we’re still excited about,” the guitarist explained. “Even at the end. So, that takes all of our energy from things like writing a new song or talking about making an animated movie about the behind-the-scenes of the making-of documentary.”

“There are definitely some aces in some sleeves so to speak,” Theodore said. “We’ve been in sort of fifth or sixth gear. We have to get into neutral at some point tan come up for air—see our families, rest our bodies, spend some time apart from one another,” he explained. “Because, at this point, it’s sort of this large, five-headed organism. It’s like The Thing albums. So we need to free some of the surfaces to regrow. That was, we can regroup and come back and do some more,” he added.

Featured Image by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

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